Thursday, October 27, 2011

Redefining Crazy

Please check out my newest article on serious mental illness, "Redefining Crazy". Here is the link.

Which of these people is the “crazy” one?

A. A person who reads the newspaper everyday, grocery shops, cooks healthy meals and has an immaculately clean house.

B. A person who is petting an imaginary cat and speaks in “word salad”.

C. A person who is a talented creative visual and musical artist.

D. A person who has 12 inch paths through their house due to clutter.

E. A person who loves to talk about cultural history, has a lovely apartment and drives every day.

F. A successful writer with multiple publications and speaking engagements.

Did you pick Person B, or maybe D?

You'll have to read the article to see what the answer is!

Video still of Britney Spears performing "Crazy".

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